Machine Learning (cs.LG)

Exploiting Inductive Bias in Transformers for Unsupervised Disentanglement of Syntax and Semantics with VAEs

We propose a generative model for text generation, which exhibits disentangled latent representations of syntax and semantics. Contrary to previous work, this model does not need syntactic information such as constituency parses, or semantic …

Towards Unsupervised Content Disentanglement in Sentence Representations via Syntactic Roles

Linking neural representations to linguistic factors is crucial in order to build and analyze NLP models interpretable by humans. Among these factors, syntactic roles (e.g. subjects, direct objects, ...) and their realizations are essential markers …

Challenging the Semi-Supervised VAE Framework for Text Classification

Semi-Supervised Variational Autoencoders (SSVAEs) are widely used models for data efficient learning. In this paper, we question the adequacy of the standard design of sequence SSVAEs for the task of text classification as we exhibit two sources of …

Disentangling semantics in language through VAEs and a certain architectural choice

We present an unsupervised method to obtain disentangled representations of sentences that single out semantic content. Using modified Transformers as building blocks, we train a Variational Autoencoder to translate the sentence to a fixed number of …

Controlling the Interaction Between Generation and Inference in Semi-Supervised Variational Autoencoders Using Importance Weighting

Even though Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) are widely used for semi-supervised learning, the reason why they work remains unclear. In fact, the addition of the unsupervised objective is most often vaguely described as a regularization. The strength …